TisPlan 1 Information - What is the process?The process of producing a Neighbourhood Plan involves painstaking consultations with subject-experts and local people.
It is dependent on two kinds of information - facts and opinions. Facts We need facts about the different patterns of life as it is lived in Tisbury today. These facts for example included the numbers of people in different age groups, numbers of schoolchildren and the schools they attend, and numbers of patients registered at Tisbury Medical Centre. We have all the data produced in 2005-2007 as part of the TisVis work for the last Parish Plan for Tisbury, and we also have access to the 2011 Census results, but this information is no longer current. So to ensure the information required for our TisPlan 1 is up-to-date, we have asked all our residents to complete a simple, short questionnaire. Opinions We have been doing the best we can to make sure that we understand how Tisbury people feel about local facilities and local planning policies. We have taken into account your take on priorities, and your hopes (and fears) for the village. We have held several consultation events between 2014 to 2017 at which we recorded your feedback which has been used to inform the Tisplan 1. The Questionnaire for the Neighbourhood Plan In October/November 2015 we distributed a questionnaire to every household in the 2 parishes, the results of which are available to download – see Annexes 1 and 2 of the Draft Plan. We investigated the possibility of putting the questionnaire online but in the event decided that a person-to-person approach would lead to a higher response rate – which it did. 47% of questionnaires were returned. The results of the questionnaire were used to produce the draft and final versions of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Final Version of the Plan
The “Reg 16” version of TisPlan 1 was submitted to Wiltshire Council in January 2019. It was then sent for detailed scrutiny by an independent examiner who presented his final report in August/September 2019. This led to a number of recommended amendments which have now been implemented. TisPlan 1 will proceed to local referendum on Thursday 28 November 2019. Referendum - 28th November 2019 This referendum is entirely independent of both Parish Councils and our Steering Committee, and is carried out according to strict electoral regulations. There will be one question with two answers; electors will be asked whether or not they approve of the final Plan. Finally… If the result of the referendum is positive, with more than 50% of those voting opting to support the Plan, then Wiltshire Council will 'make the plan', publish it on the Wiltshire Council website and will take its policies into consideration for future planning decisions. |