TisPlan 1 Information - Why do we need a neighbourhood plan?Because our Neighbourhood Plan will become part of the Wiltshire Core Strategy, the contents must be taken into account by the South Wiltshire Planning Department when it considers planning applications.
While a Neighbourhood Plan can be overruled, and developers will still have the right to appeal against refusals of their planning permissions, it is important to remember that not having a Plan would leave us more exposed to unwelcome developments than those neighbourhoods which do have a Plan. It would also mean that Wiltshire Council would have a freer hand in making decisions about planning in Tisbury than otherwise. As part of its Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (the SHLAA) Wiltshire Council has already identified possible development sites in Tisbury and West Tisbury; these are:
You can see maps of these sites in this document: http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/planninganddevelopment/planningpolicy/strategichousinglandavailabilityassessment.htm (You need to scroll down to Wiltshire SHLAA Appendix 3 for Tisbury community area) Whilst Wiltshire Council expects that Tisbury and West Tisbury together will accommodate an increase of a minimum of 46 new dwellings between now and 2026, it does not anticipate that any of these SHLAAs will be developed. This is because it expects the housing stock to rise by infilling. However, our parishes may wish to support appropriate development on Site S75 - at the Station Works Tisbury, if a suitable proposal is made by the development company (currently St Modwen) that owns this site. |